Wednesday, October 15, 2014

Movies and series!

Probably in my life I have had a many of favorite movie, all depends of a lot of factor, like my age or my interests. But one of them is “The wall of pink floyd”, I think is an absorbing movie  because has performance, good music and animation, together with a social criticism, without considering that transcends time. For other side if i recommend to you a movie, definitely I tell you “Holly motors” because is a different movie, a bit strange but entertaining.
Also I have many favorite romantic films, one is Venuto al mondo or twice born (in english), In this movie acted Penelope Cruz who fell in love to Emile Hirsch, in the time of war in Segovia. I confess is a very sad movie.

I don’t usually watch series because spend a lot of time watching all the serie,  is an addictive hobby!. However, Ago two month, I saw “Vikings” season one and two in three days, because I love the topic (an historical theme) and the way like the producer made the scenes. I am waiting to third seasons!
Apart of this series, I have seen other series like smallville, ER or gossip girl, and finally the funniest, the big bang theory.

Wednesday, October 1, 2014

Free cruelty meal.

In these last months the food that I eat is very different to I used to eat. Because I understand the importance of vegetarian’ food, Is truth I’m not 100% vegetarian but I try to eat only when is necessary or when is impossible choose other option.
For that reason, I can say the richer food is in the vegan’s restaurant or the food who sold in the subway’s exit or the food made  by myself. Recently I tested a breaded made with tofu, corn, tomato and basil, it was amazing, whit a special flavor, and the most important, like say a friend “without cruelty”.

But my favorite food all the time is the chickpeas. When I was a child in my house never cooked chickpeas because to my mom doesn’t like it (I have always thought this attitude is very fascist). But when you are an student who living alone and don’t want eat pasta or rice all the days, you must learn to cook other meal.. of this way I knew the chickpeas. Now I am cooking expert in chickpeas, in all the variety you can imagine, but my favorite is the chickpeas cream. Although the recipe is a secret, I told you I use all the vegetables I can find in my kitchen!! And the result is amazing! I can’t stop to eat chickpea’s cream, and the best of all is free of cruelty (without meat).

Wednesday, September 24, 2014

Organic farming

How green are you?

I’m not considered myself like a person ecologic, but in my life I realize a lot of thing to contribute to world’s sustainability. For example all plastic bottle that I don’t use are recycled to help, for one side, to decrease the contamination, and for the other, to help to a foundation. All this is added, I try to conscious use of the water and the electrics objects.

Probably the most green in my life is a project realized by my uncle who impulse an organic farming to produced food for all family. In this farm he has a lot of variety to vegetables like cabbage, lettuce, spinach, tomatoes, strawberries, raspberries... 

An organic farming no only consist in farm some vegetables, the vegetables must be plant or seed genetically unmodified, now when the big companies of seed had the monopoly is very difficult get it.  Also in an organic farming doesn’t use any artifiial pesticide, must be natural, because although we don’t know are harmful for us.

With this wonderful idea the family not only have a lot of foods, also we understand the importance of a good nutrition and principally to know where and how our food is produced and collected for us with our work and care. For example, we can go to harvest the food that we will use in the lunch. This is wonderful because have a special flavor!!.
For that reason  I recommend to you grow your own vegetables.

Wednesday, September 10, 2014


My relation with the videogames is principally motivated for my brother. He is seventeen years old, and since he was very small always plays some videogames like pokemon, age of empires or actually league of legends.
Well, I think the video games are a world of entertainment, no only you can play alone from home, also you can play online with your friend or another people from anywhere of the world.
Today is a recurrent practice in the young people like my brother or some friends, they  get together in a house and bring their own computers to play. I never did that, but they say is very funny, they can play for many hours.
In my personal case, now I don’t play any videogames, but when I was a teenager in the summer’s holidays I used to play “the Sims”, I could play a long time  without a break, evidently I used to be a obsessive player. Something similar happened to me with “candy crush” fortunately I lost the interest and stop playing the game, in the opposite case I would be a lifeless persons.
I feel this situation is more recurrently than we think, a lot of person in the world have serious trouble with the videogames, getting to forget  their own basic needs.
For that reason I think if you are a obsessive person play any videogame can  be a big problem.

Wednesday, August 20, 2014

The best holiday of my life was the summer of 2011.
Is very complicated choose the best holidays of my life because come of my mind two summers holidays.  But my favorite  is the holidays of 2011 It is important for me because I was in different places of Chile with important people for me.
 The holidays began in a place called Paredones located in the sexth region. In this occasion I participated in the “trabajos voluntarios” organized for the FederaciĆ³n de Estudiantes.  In this social works no only  I knew amazing people of the university,  also I knew a lot of persons who lived in this community.

Then of “trabajos voluntarios” I went to south of Chile, specifically to a place near of Osorno called “Puerto Octay”. In this occasion I went to  classmate’s home with other friends. It was very funny because we done a lot of thing like climb a volcano or ride a boat, but my favorite was go to around the LLanquihue lake because I knew a lot of beautiful places.  And Finally I went  to visit to grandma’s home in third region  with all my family. It was a great moment to share with my brothers and parents.   

Wednesday, August 13, 2014

Mexico a country of culture.

If you ask me what country I would like to visit, I answer to you, Mexico.Two months ago, I answer the same question becasuse I had the possibility to choose a country to visit and study for a semester in the next year. In that moment I didn't know the relevance of my decision, but now, I can say Mexico is the best option I could choose.

Mexico  is a country with a great culture and a beautiful places, it is the result of an ancestral culture inherited mainly from pre-columbian age. In this sense, 32 cultural places has been considered by UNESCO as world heritage site, some are so old that i ca’t imagine the way like the person built these constructions.

Other form of cultural expression of mexico is the extraordinary food, that combine a wide variety of flavors, colors and textures. In my personal opinion the spicy food is the best of this country.

This are some of thousand reasons to visit mexico the next semester and invite you to visit, too.